Monday, May 31, 2010

Just some cute photos of the little guy....

Sebastian playing on the floor

Taking a little rest after playing

Sebastian's sad face after Daddy scared him

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Last day of Preschool

Preparing to squirt someone

Ready, Aim, Fire

He finally warmed up to the water slide

Time to warm up in the sun

Today was Tyler's last day of preschool and they had a Water Day! The morning was filled with water guns and shooters, bubbles and a giant water slide. The kids all had a great time and it was really fun to watch.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Just cause they're cute!

Sebastian was 6 months old on Friday and has also been oxygen free for a week. We have also disconnected all his monitors and just occasionally spot check him. It has been so nice being able to carry him around without wire or tubes attached. We even ran some errands today!

Our big 6 months old - now 9 lbs, 11 oz

Checking out the backyard swing

All the boys together - Tyler, Sebastian & Sorin

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Look at that handsome boy!

Sebastian has been weaning off his oxygen for the past few weeks. We started with just a half hour a day, then an hour and kept increasing the time as much as he could handle. He worked his way up to more than half the day at the end of last week and has been oxygen free now since Friday. He has now gone 5 days and nights with no oxygen and kept his stats in the high 90's. He has to stay above 91% to be off the oxygen. It looks like we might be finally closing this chapter of his life. He is such a handsome little boy without all that stuff on his face.

Sebastian will be 6 months old on Friday. We have his 6 month check up in a few weeks, so stay tuned for stats. Some fun things Sebastian is doing now are reaching for toys, laughing out loud and making gurgling noises when you talk to him. He is very social and loves to flirt!

Monday, May 10, 2010

The boys at 5 months old

Sebastian 5 1/2 months

Tyler 5 months

Look at me now!

Here is Sebastian at 5 1/2 months old. He is really quite the social butterfly lately, loves to talk and laugh with you. He has recently discovered that he can swat at and occasionally grab on to things. It is fun to watch him learning new things.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

Tyler's class had a Mother's Day Tea today. It was very cute and all the kids did a little fill in the blank story about their mom. His teacher displayed them on the wall and we were suppose to guess which child wrote which one. It was a little tough until I read the line that said "My mom always says, put it back in his nose!" I had to explain that Tyler likes to pull his brother's oxygen tube out of his nose to "check" it and I'm always telling him to put it back in.

Here's the rest of his story:
My mom is 5 years old.
My mom is the prettiest when she colors with me.
My mom likes to make chocolate chip cookies.
My mom always says, "put it back in his nose!"
My mom is funny when she tickles me.

3 year olds can be so sweet sometimes!!