Tuesday, May 31, 2011

18 months old!

Sebastian is now 18 months old and boy is he on the move. Just spend a day with Sebastian and there will be no need to go to the gym, you'll feel like you've run a marathon. He is quite proud of himself that he can climb up and reach things on the counter. So, we now have to be careful about chairs and step stools. Needless to say Sebastian is catching up to his age quite quickly. In fact, at his last appointment with the developmental pediatrician Sebastian scored either at or above his age in all areas. She assess his progress in gross motor, fine motor and verbal/communication. It is just amazing to think back to all the progress he has made in the past year.

Now for the stats:
weight: 19lbs, 2oz
height: 30 1/2 in.

We had been a little concerned about his speech (or the lack there of). We haven't heard many words from him, until about a week ago that is. The words aren't always clear, but if you listen carefully, here are some of the words you can hear: MaMa, DaDa, hi, by, dog, up, uh-oh, all done and I think even Tyler or Ty.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Boys being boys....

Just a short video of my boys being boys. They are starting to play together more and more (and sometimes they even get along!). Of course this also means that the noise level is quite loud much of the time, but as long as they are getting along and having a good time, I can deal with it.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Yesterday got his first chance to go fishing with his cousin. We drove out to a lake near their house in Maricopa where the Blue Gills are very hungry. The boys were pulling fish out left and right. Hot dogs seemed to be the biggest hit with the fish, but they were biting almost anything. Tyler pulled out 4 fish right away!

You have to look close on this one, but his fish is dangling on the end of his pole.

We also had the pleasure of inspecting a sea turtle that came very close to the shore.

Tyler's biggest fish of the day!


Sebastian and his newest cousin Casey. These two are exactly 1 year and 1 day apart in age. Sebastian at 18 months and Casey at 6 moths

Go Team Baby!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

Yesterday Tyler's preschool hosted a Mother's Day Tea for all the mommies. The room was all decorated and the kids had prepared a yummy lunch for us. Here we are waiting for everyone to get seated. Sebastian was very impressed with the table cloth.

Here we are in the festive hats that Tyler made for us. We also enjoyed a yummy lunch of chicken salad sandwiches, fruit, veggie salad and of course cake!!

Not really sure about his one, except that Tyler is plotting something????