Friday, April 20, 2012

Tyler's new look

This is pretty much what my days are like.

Sebastian's new look

Sebastian has a new look. After a follow up visit with the eye doctor last week, it was determined that he is farsighted and isn't seeing clearly. He is straining to see and this isn't good for his eye development, so he will need to wear glasses all the time for the time being. The glasses may not be a permanent thing, but should help him from developing a lazy eye or crossed eyes. We picked up his new glasses yesterday and although the first day was a bit of a challenge, he did pretty well today leaving them on. He still pulls them off and says "I don't like these mama", but it's only been a couple of days and all in all I am very proud of him.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy boys after our egg hunt with our cousins. Sebastian 2, Casey 1, Colton 5, Tyler 5, Cameron 3 (almost).

It's really hard to get 5 boys to pose for a picture!

My handsome boys! Tyler 5, Sebastian 2

Tyler's Easter party at preschool.

Tyler on the hung for eggs.

All the kids lined up ready for the Easter egg hunt at school. Can you see Sebastian lined up with the big kids? He is so ready to go to preschool!

Sebastian didn't collect many eggs because he was more interested in opening what he found.

Sebastian enjoyed having snack with all the kids at school. It was a fun party!

Easter Eggs

The eye dying process...

A few of our finished eggs. We didn't end up with many because we had a 2 year old helping us!

One of Tyler's masterpieces.