Tyler has graduated 1st grade and is now officially a 2nd grader. He had a great first grade year and is doing so well with all his academics. He really likes schools, his friends and his teachers. Tyler's teacher from 1st grade is moving up to 2nd, so he will have the same teacher again. He is excited about this and will have many of the same friends in his class. Tyler's school, Red Mountain Ranch Elementary was one of four schools in the Mesa district to be awarded A+ status this past school year. I did some volunteering in Tyler's class this past school year and have also joined the PTC board for next school year. It is a great way for me to get involved and see all that is going on with his school.
This is a picture of Tyler and Ms. Balanoff taken at their first grade play in May. Tyler filled in for a sick student at the last minute with a speaking part. I was so proud of him, since he had about 15 minutes to prepare before going on stage!
Sebastian has one more year of preschool. He will be in the Pre K class at Little Light Preschool next year and then off to Kindergarten! He has really grown this year and shot up 3 whole inches! He hasn't put on much weight, but I'm not too worried about that, he has made up for it in height. He has also really grown and matured this past year, although he still finds way to challenge me!
Here is Sebastian on his last day of preschool. It was splash day!