Thursday, February 25, 2010

Home at last!

Sebastian home coming

Tyler home coming

Today we finally have our whole family under one roof. It has been a long 3 months, 97 days to be exact, but Sebastian was finally able to come home with us. We had a good night with him in the hospital and hope for another good night tonight, as we spent our first night at home. Tyler is still at his cousins house and will join us tomorrow.

It will be an adjustment for everyone, but we are looking forward to the challenge. Along with Sebastian came a few oxygen tanks and a heart monitor, so juggling all of that and not getting tangled up in cords will prove to be quite a challenge.


Unknown said...

Hooray! Welcome home Sebastian!!!

Amanda said...

He is so precious! I am so happy that he is home and you are a all such a cute little family. If you ever want Tyler to come over for a playdate, please don't hesitate to call! You may need a break and we are here.....