Wednesday, October 6, 2010

10 Month update

Sebastian had a visit with the pulmonologist today so I thought it would be a good time to update his stats. (Visit went well by the way, nothing new to report)

weight: 14lbs, 1oz
height: 26 in.
head: no idea ??

What's new with Sebastian lately??
* He had his first tooth pop through last weekend (bottom left). Yeah, because we were not enjoying all the fussiness. Let's hope there is a little break before we see another one.
* He is really moving now, although I can't really call it crawling. It is a cross between a bear walk and a three legged scoot (if you can picture that). It is quite amusing to watch though. I have a feeling he will figure the crawl out any day now though, and then there's no turning back!
* Still babbling up a storm, mostly with dada and blowing raspberries.
* He has tried a variety of foods lately and boy does he like to eat! I haven't found a food he doesn't like yet and I'm hoping it stays that way.

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